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Professionelle private Pflege

take a breath

Wir bringen Sie in Kontakt mit einer professionellen, privaten und persönlichen Krankenpflege, die sich für Patienten jeden Alters, Krankengeschichte, Nationalität oder kulturellem Hintergrund für eine Betreuung in den eigenen vier Wänden eignet.

We aims at ANYBODY who is in need of professional nursing care at their home. We will find, support, monitor and train a personal Nurse for Patients of ANY age, medical history, nationality or cultural background. Our vision is to find the right caretaker for every individual Patient for all kind of different needs. We will take care of Patients on daily, monthly or longer term basis, depending on the individual needs of our customer. The range of service reaches from most basic personal assistance up to advanced personal medical assistance at the Patients home. A majority of Patients will need home-care due to high age and their age related medical issues. Patients might have underlying diseases as Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart diseases, Mobility handicaps, Dementia, other Cerebral diseases as Strokes or general fatigue due to high age. These Patients will need supervision to prevent falls, for intake of adequate home-medication, general nutrition and complex hygienical care.

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